Piano Solo


Architect of the moment resolutely turned towards jazz, Claude Terranova delivers us this "live" record composed of a set of recordings essentially from a concert organized in Montreuil by Amnesty International ".

Over the beaches of this first solo piano recorded in public, Claude Terranova invites us to a brilliant and captivating journey, the fruit of a rich and complex itinerary where all the influences of his jazz course are starred with multiple encounters.

A musical melting pot with sparkling colors where emotions are born and vanish at the discretion of the pianist, to be reborn elsewhere, further, in a ceaseless play of metamorphoses where the piano disappears to leave room for a poetic at once powerful and evanescent.

For Claude Terranova, this album in piano solo responds to an unlimited desire to tell stories, stories ... His story.
A story where the freedom of playing opens to all audacities.

J-F Pelatan


Piano Solo  - EVANESCENCE-
3 tracks listening

- Evanescence

- Night in Tunisia
  (Dizzy Gillespie

- Dans un Rêve


A moment of pure state of grace as we have known little since the Köln Concert.

Model of mastery in harmony, his reading of Night in Tunisia is a real rediscovery...

We never heard a version as shocking as that of I love you Porgy.

Behind the last note played, it is the most beautiful silence that resonates and prolongs the music. The time in suspension.


With great enthusiasm, Claude Terranova exploits the infinite riches of his instrument and then silences, thus promoting a real intimacy with his audience.


Claude Terranova cuts vigorously in the sound material, revealing in passing a flawless technique and a brilliant power.


From the start, the attention is titillated by his dexterity, his sense of improvisation, his sensuality, and this delicate emotion distilled by his silences in the course of many notes.

To savor !


Claude Terranova deploys with great conviction his sense of contrast and his palette of means, which is extremely vast.


Claude Terranova is a boss on his keyboard ...

In an approach close to Martial Solal, with tatumous accelerations and captivating conclusions to Ahmad Jamal.

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